Then there was the falls. Always impressive. As the kids had never seen them before we approached them from up the river and walked down until the water fell away in a roaring torrent. The kids were in awe. I of course maintained hand contact with children at all times(especially when Shane started speculating about how another boy had made it over the falls, so maybe he could...)! We also went to the butterfly conservatory, which was also a hit. Butterflies everywhere. Each of the children had at least one land on them... although I wasn't quick enough with the camera to catch it.
Tom's mom hosted us in fine style on the way back through towards Ottawa. We got to see lots of friends and relatives, spending time with both sides of the family. We even spent a day at Cobourg Beach. Then it was back to Ottawa for a final two days at Les Suites downtown before dropping Zeke off at the kennels(he wasn't allowed in the UK until the 10th of August), and boarding our plane in the early evening of the 26th.
The flight was remarkably uneventful. One exciting thing was that our friends we had met in Ottawa (who were also posted to the same course as Tom) were on the same flight as us! They even sat in the row in front of ours. Our kids were delighted as their children (they have three) are more or less the same age. Everyone played happily until the lights went down, and then all three children (and Tom) had a long nap. We touched down more or less on time and got through customs quickly. Our prearranged transport (a 'people mover') was waiting for us on the other side of security, we loaded up and headed off towards our new home, exhausted but happy.
So that's how we got here. Even the trip was fun!