So, as I said before...we ate, drank, shopped and saw the countryside together. It was a hoot! Hope you had fun Ed and Janice!
Mother's Day
Steph and Julie visit England

My friend Sue Edwards and I have been trying to get together for a couple of months. She lives in Lincoln, which is a bit far, and we'd been there before, so we decided to meet somewhere in the middle. We chose Nottingham, as it fits the 'somewhere-in-the-middle' criterion, and it's also a place neither family had done the 'touristy stuff' in. What's also kind of neat is the fact that the kids are in the chorus of their upcoming school play "Robin Hood", and have been singing "Sherriff of Nottingham, sitting and plotting-ham, up in your ivory tower..." over, and over, and over, and over again, practicing for their play. What better time to go visit it?
Tom, once again, was unavailable for this trip, for two reasons--he's still working on the neverending essay, and he left yesterday morning in the wee hours on a 3 day trip to Paris with the College Rugby Team (not sure how he can fit that in with all this work... but hey, I just live here... :) ). So, it was just the three kids and I on the road again. The drive was nothing, but Nottingham is definately a pedestrian city. It took us over an hour of driving around in circles to find our hotel, and then another half an hour to find a place to park. Painful. We ended up checking in at about the same time as Sue and her three boys.
As Tuesday (the day we left) was Shane's birthday, we decided to head out for some light supper/snacks, and dessert. The Bella Italia was a great place to eat, but the waiter forgot about us...after waiting an hour for the dessert menu we opted to go somewhere else for the dessert part. Shane got a happy birthday song at the Costa coffee under the hotel, and was quite happy.
Yesterday morning we met Sue and gang for breakfast and then she (very kindly) had offered to do some testing on the kids (to make sure that this year's schooling was keeping the kids at where they should be by Canadian standards). After assuring that all three of the kids were geniuses (okay, not really, but they ARE doing very well...), we checked out, dropped our bags in the car, and headed over to the 'Robin Hood Adventure' attraction. It was...okay. Well, the kids loved it anyway. The 30 GBP pricetag was a bit steep for what we saw. And like every tourist attraction we see here, it ended up in the gift shop...sigh. It was neat to see a little big of what life was like back in the Robin Hood timeframe, and the kids got to play with a real sword and some armour.
After this we headed to the 'City of Caves'. Apparently, where Nottingham city now stands used to be a sandstone cliff, and the cliff and surrounding area were riddled with caves. We got a small glimpse of the cave structure, and some of the history too. Costumed interpreters told us all about the leather tanning process (Shane particularly liked the urine part...) and also about how the caves were used as bomb shelters during WWII (Kate didn't like this part so much). There was also some small exhibits of Victorian times.
After lunch at the Pizza Hut, and a walk around the pedestrian mall, we decided to check out Nottingham Castle. Unfortunately the skies opened up at this point. And I mean OPENED UP! We were absolutely drenched. The streets (remember, I said it was a cliff? Now it's a steep hill...) were like little rivers. We did get to see some of the castle, but opted to find a cafe to dry out instead of walking around in a drippy garden. Then it was time for the Dunne family to head home. Mom was pooped, kids were drenched, and Kate's blood sugars were completely haywire, adding to my stress somewhat. Zeke was happy to see us when we got home, as he'd spent the day inside and alone.
Thanks, Sue, for making the effort to come out and see us. Hope you had a safe and fun train ride home. Enjoy the rest of your time in England, and see you on the other side of the pond!
So that brings us up to today! The kids are on a week long break right now (hence the ability to take off in the middle of the week) and we're planning on sticking close to home for the last few days. Tom won't get back from Paris until tomorrow, and then he'll have the last push for his big essay --it's due on Monday. We'll probably spend some time at the pool, and do a few short trips to local fun spots...or maybe not. It's nice to not have anything planned!
Kid news

And what have our wonderful children been up to lately, you ask? Well, Delaney has surpassed her goal of filling her Brownie badge sash. She's also been having a blast at her riding lessons--she jumped a triple combination jump last week, and did a mini course on Friday. She and Shane are taking a Pony Day tomorrow, which is like a day camp with horses. She's still doing really well in school, and has made a new friend in her year 5 (Grade 4) class. She's also joined the 'playground patrol' group.Her teacher asked me wistfully the other day, "Couldn't you stay another year?" but, alas, the military calls.
Shane's soccer is finished for the year, with the end of year banquet coming up on Sunday. He's also gotten more badges in Beavers. Between Shane's Beavers and Delaney's Brownies, I might as well not put away my sewing kit, I'm so busy attaching badges to uniforms! Shane was in the 'Gold Book' at school last month, for 'doing really good work researching Romans'. He received a certificate at a school assembly, and his name is written in a big gold book for all of the school to see. He was very proud. He also has been working hard preparing for his first communion, which is coming up in June. He's quite serious about the whole thing. He and his dad went suit shopping last week-- he looks very dapper in his new three piece!
Kate has been invited to participate in a competitive level gymnastics group, after she received her second badge since Christmas. She's extremely excited, but not because of the gymnastics-- her best friend Grace will now be in the same class! Her reading has been coming along really well, and she's moved up another reading stage in school. She's also moved up to a harder spelling group. This weeks words include: taught, caught, thought, pour, four, and more. Considering she's still in kindergarten by Canadian standards... those are some pretty hard words! As I mentioned above, I think our 'honeymoon period' (the period where her pancreas is still producing insulin) may be coming to a close. I've been upping her insulin levels for the past few days, and still having trouble keeping her sugars down. She just takes it all in stride.
All three children still love it here, but are looking forward to summer and our new Canadian adventure. Delaney is very much looking forward to having her own room again! Kate, not so much. She loves to be close to her big sis.
Our tickets are bought for the Queen Mary II trip home, and the hotels are booked on both sides of the pond. We've even had a quick visit from Tom's replacement, Mike Atkins, and given him a brief tour of the house and College. Hard to believe that in just two short months we'll be homeless nomads again! Wow, it's going fast.
Hope you're all enjoying the last few weeks of spring, and are looking forward to summer. Maybe we'll be seeing you soon!
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