I guess the best way to see what we've done would be to ask you to look through the old blogs, and update you on the 'post-England' days in this one. So here goes...
The Big Move.

After a few days on the Western beaches, we meandered along the south shore of England and
made our way to Southampton. A brief sleep in view of the port, and the next morning we were boarding the Queen Mary II. What a great way to cross the Atlantic! Even better was the fact that our friends Sophie and Julien (with their boys Loic and Paul) had a cabin just down the hall from us! We ate, drank, played, danced, and were entertained in grand style for 6 days. The 'afternoon tea' was very dignified, and the ballroom dancing lessons were a hit with the whole family. I especially liked the napkin-folding classes and the planetarium shows.
In the wee hours (4 a.m. to be exact...) of the 7th of August we saw our first glimse of North America. The Statue of Liberty (and the homeland security helicopters) were an amazing sight. We disembarked without incident and jammed ourselves into a massive taxi to head to the Yale Club (http://www.yaleclubnyc.org/). Tom had booked us a suite, using his affiliate RAF club membership privileges to do so. We were positively spoiled here. After shopping on 5th avenue (the kids really liked FAO Shwartz and the American Girl stores) and a carriage ride around Central Park, we sat on the Club's 14th floor balcony and had an outstanding meal while the sun set behind the skyscrapers of NY. Aaah.

The wee hours of the next morning saw us jamming into another limo to the airport. We flew from La Guardia to Ottawa, had a slow but pleasant visit to customs, and were very, very, very happy to return to our home and native land. Home. What country could possibly compare to Canada? Dazed, tired and in the city we departed from it felt as if it had all been a fantastic dream. We picked up our truck from storage, visited old friends, and were happily reunited with Zeke as we drove out two days later.
A New Home.
Our house closed on Monday the 10th, so we didn't dilly-dally. There was lots to do. Lawyer visits, family visits, school visits, utility connections and phone calls to shipping companies took up the next few days. As expected, the kids, who hadn't seen the house yet, loved it. They played in their empty rooms as if they had always lived there. And the snakes, toads, frogs, bugs and general wilderness around us is food for the adventurous soul.

The Big Boss

The Old Stompin Grounds
Tom and I met here 16 years ago, and started dating while he was at 424 sqn as a young

After our year of travel, we've slowed down a bit and stuck pretty close to home. We're blessed to have friends and family nearby for the first time since our wedding 11 years ago. Our focus has turned inward a bit, allowing everyone a chance to explore different extra-curricular
activities. Nearly 5 weeks in hotels this summer have made us appreciate just being home. Although it may be a bit on the anti-climactic side for reading material, you would not believe how happy I am to be able to stay put for a few months! We love the area, and have done a bit of local exploring to wineries and events (the TO Int'l airshow, the Lippizaner stallions, the Port Hope fair, the Royal Agricultural winter fair...). We've also just returned from our second trip to NB to visit family.

Delaney is now 10. The big double digits. Beautiful inside and out, she celebrated her 10th birthday by gathering donations for the local Humane Society instead of gifts for herself. She sings in the school choir, and takes martial arts once a week during lunch time. She continues her horse addiction, riding weekly and spending every moment possible at the barn. In November she tested for her D1 pony club level, passing with flying colors. She returned to figure skating and will be competing in a few weeks in a local competition. Happily she has made several good friends at her new school, although she misses friends from previous postings too. Her marks at school are stellar in both languages. She absolutely loved her week at 'Visiting Cousin's' in August.


And me...? Well, I continue to be the domestic manager on call. I'm back to work as a physio, and love my new job. Unfortunately days like today (a snow day) mean I'm home instead of at work. I work 15 hours a week (when possible) at a clinic about 20 minutes from home, which, incidentally, I worked at 13 years ago. I managed to
get to Ottawa to visit some old friends before Christmas, and went out for dinner with some other friends recently too. When not at work, taxiing kids to events, or trying to maintain order in our house, I'm writing. I looooooove writing. As of last night I'm 152 pages into my book. It's such a peaceful way to spend an afternoon...sitting in our beautiful living room, a fire in the fireplace, soft music in the background, the sun shining through the window and the cat purring at my side. Pure bliss if you ask me.

What Next?

So there you have it. The Dunne Family Adventure continues...just on the
other side of the pond now. It's been wonderful hearing from all of you over the holidays. I tried to get cards out this year, I really did, but Christmas crept up and was over before I could blink. Maybe next year? Until then, I'll blog when I get the chance, and keep in touch that way, or on facebook, or by email... Thank you all for being part of our lives.

God bless,
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